The language du jour is Lua, which feels a bit like a mix between Ruby and Python and maybe Tcl, and has a ravishingly fast JITted interpiler called LuaJIT on most x86/x64 systems.
It's going to be a mess, but hopefully a fun mess. After a few hours' work, I've got it to the point where it can do... almost nothing! It can interpret programs that consist of single number literals, though...
Edit, 2 groggy hours later
Finally, it can parse and evaluate very simple Push programs like this:
local result =
gluap.eval_program '( 5 1.23 + (4) - 5.67 FLOAT.*)'
assert_equal(1, result.pop('integer'))
assert_equal(6.9741, result.pop('float'))
If I can find time on Wednesday, the rest of the basic logic (I haven't got beyond basic arithmetic instructions yet) and maybe the beginnings of actual GP... or sleep, whichever.
Edit, 1 day and not enough sleep later
Instead of sleeping, it was more fun to add to the interpreter so that it can now execute each of the Push 3.0 simple examples correctly, including such madness as "( ARG FLOAT.DEFINE EXEC.Y ( ARG FLOAT.* 1 INTEGER.- INTEGER.DUP 0 INTEGER.> EXEC.IF ( ) EXEC.POP ) )", in some 346 lines of clumsy Lua. However, there's an intimidatingly long "type dictionary" which contains a great number of instructions of varying confusingness. Meh, maybe I can leave most of them for now and get with the GP part.
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